Funding Areas

“Experience has shown us that we need ample funds in order to sustain our programme prior to starting. Our primary task is going to be to FIND and train currently unemployed youth to become sports coaches. They require to learn HOW children learn and what the basis of all sports movements are. They require to […]
We are starting the GSFT again – Michelle

In 2008, Michelle caught wind of the fact that there were a great number of disadvantaged, state-funded schools in Cape Town’s CBD, that desperately needed support in inspiring young minds to stay in school, and with support, work towards better futures. The Growing Sports Foundation Trust, founded in 2008 by entrepreneur Michelle Whitehead, was built […]
Fundraising Soccer – Thank you All

We would like to thank all the participants of our Fundraising Event Charity Soccer Tournament!
Support Youth Development

Help us to support Youth Development and Education in our country!
South Africa must look to history to level the playing field for school kids

The Growing Sports Foundation Trust fights for the integration of children through sport. Active and successful from 2008 to 2016, we had to stop our activity due to the funding shutdown by the lotto foundation and others.
9 Years of Growing Sports Foundation!

9 years ago – I started this Foundation.
What amazing successes and happiness we have brought into the lives of so many children, teachers and Coaches.
We look forward too continuing our good work.
St Georges Grammar

The start of a new term at St Georges Grammar school today with Tembelani
Tennis South Africa Coaches

Boland became the 4th province to host a Structured / Formal hours Workshop on the 25th September 2015.
School Holidays – Street Tennis in Gugulethu

Congratulations to all my coaches for hosting a successful week

Busy training the coaches from the GROWING SPORTS FOUNDATION Trust in Kinetics and movement – hosted at Mountain Manor Guest House – presented by Syd Rapport from KINETIC SPORTS