Rahmaniyeh Primary School – new boundary fence

This project is a part of Growing Sports Foundation community projects.

This Primary school has no boundary fence – learners can wander away from school unsupervised and disappear maybe never to be seen again. Vagrants sleep in the school grounds at night – urinating and defacating where the children play at break times and this is very unhealthy. They also repeatedly break into the school buildings destroying classrooms and wash rooms. Safety of children is a huge concern.

In District Six, a rich cultural heritage site, where all black people were forcibly removed in apartheid times, you find neglected schools which are government schools with little/no funding. The children are mainly black, disadvantaged children who live in the townships and who are bussed through to school daily. These are non community schools as there is little/no parental influence. After school hours the children are bussed home again.

These children are unsafe at school. They are the responsibility of the staff and headmaster who MUST teach all day – not patrol corridors and keep children locked inside the buildings. The Education department does not help and to date we have only 1/3 of the fence in place and still need another 200 metres of fencing and gates. Children have a right to be safe.

There are 450 pupils in this school. It is primarily a black school. District Six is an area that must re-grow and be redeveloped after Apartheid and residents are finally building homes and moving back. This school should be an icon of the area, and should become once again, a community school, where all learners are safe.

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