Testimonial: Walmer Estate Primary School

Like an angel of mercy Michelle Whitehead appeared out of nowhere in January of this year and offered to start a tennis programme at our school. She mentioned “Growing Tennis”. I was at first skeptical, because nowadays people do not approach you and offer assistance, without expecting something in return. Furthermore we never had tennis at our school – we therefore had no facilities or apparatus to realize this venture.

After listening to her for about ten minutes she had however convinced me that she would be able to pull it off. She would not only personally come and coach our learners, but she would supply all the necessary equipment needed and arrange funding on her own.

As an educator and manager of a school I have always believed that the children should be exposed to as many sports as possible. In fact I am a qualified sports coach and administrator with many years of PE teaching experience. I therefore welcomed the proposal to introduce yet another sport type at our school – especially since it was tennis.

True to her word Michelle came along in February 2009 and arranged the programme with one of our educators (Mrs Reuter), and soon our learners were using racquets and knocking tennis balls around. She personally trained our learners at first and later enlisted additional assistance. She has however always remained part of the programme. In addition to this she has arranged further opportunities for our learners to attend training sessions in Cape Town, Khayelitsha and at UCT.

We are eternally grateful to Michelle and her assistants for offering this service to our school and we sincerely hope that it will continue for many more years. In fact I am positive that with her help we will be able to train our educators in future so that they can continue with the programme. Michelle has become a part of Walmer EPS and we would be honoured to have this relationship continue in future.

Yours faithfully,

M.I.Kamish, principal

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