Founding the GSFT


  • To empower people who want to teach sport to teach Tennis to all those that are interested to learn.
  • To bring an opportunity to all school children to experience what the Sport of Tennis has to offer them
  • To bring opportunity to their parents to learn how to enjoy a game of tennis with their children
  • To Empower adults and children alike to enjoy healthy, outdoor exercise and Social activity of Tennis
  • To introduce these people to Rotary International and give them the opportunity to offer “Service above Self” to others.


I had the opportunity as a youngster to learn how to play Tennis. 

I played competitively throughout my life and learnt skills that lead to my being successful in business and society. It is now my turn to “give back”.

I wish to take this game of Tennis, which is my passion, and revive it back to an alive, energetic, amazing social and competitive game that it once used to be in South Africa.

I am going to be doing this at a grass Roots level – at schools – where there are almost no facilities and certainly few coaches to teach this fun game.

I am empowering Development Coaches to:

  • Gain qualification and pride in being part of a deserving team
  • Go out into the schools and do tennis coaching on a mass participation level
  • Identify children with talent
  • Send these children, via a sponsorship programme, to higher level coaches at clubs nearby to them
  • Give these children an opportunity to become Club members and partake in Club and Provincial events and eventually become part of the National system

I am empowering school teachers to:

  • Earn an International certification through the ITF (International Tennis Federation) for teaching Play and Stay Mini-tennis
  • Give them opportunity to use their skills to introduce a “love for tennis” to their school pupils
  • Give themselves the opportunity to play this lovely Social game and maybe join a club and become in the Provincial system.

I am empowering the coaches to:

  • Gain a new skill through teaching them the ITF Play and Stay courses and going onto progressing through the Level 1 and Level 2 courses
  • Giving them an opportunity to earn income from their Sport
  • Empowering them to become involved in Development projects for the benefit of others less fortunate than themselves
  • Empowering them to become part of the GROWING TENNIS FOUNDATION TEAM.

I am empowering the children to:

  • Have an opportunity to experience a Sport that they would never have had an opportunity to experience
  • Have an opportunity to learn the Values that Tennis teaches you namely: Discipline, Honesty, Hard Work, achievements, Focus, Physical and Emotional growth, Positive competitive skills, personal integrity, Honour and respect for others, challenges, Team work, taking responsibility
  • Learn a social skill that will stand them throughout their lives

Whilst I understand that The National and the Provincial Bodies should both be doing this work – I have not seen any progress in this area of Development in the 20 years that I have been involved in SA Tennis.

I intend to put my money where my mouth is – and make this programme happen. The National scale of this programme will depend on the generosity of sponsors.

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